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How to Transplant from Aeroponics to Soil

Aeroponics is a very successful method for growing plants. You can grow your tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, and peppers using this medium.

However, if you’re considering moving to the traditional alternative, that is, growing the plants on soil, it is possible to transplant the aeroponics plants to the soil in simple steps.

how to transplant from aeroponics to soil


This article provides a guide on how to transplant aeroponics from the system to the soil.

How to Transplant from Aeroponics to Soil

Step 1 – Select your pots

The size of the pot you will need will depend on whether you want to plant them in the garden or if you have something else in mind. If the garden is your option, get a pot that is 3-4″ in diameter. This will make it easier for them to adjust to getting nutrients from the soil before starting the transplanting process. 

Step 2 – Prepare the soil

When moving aeroponics plants to the soil, the quality of the soil you place them is important. This will determine whether they survive or not. Add the soil to the pots. You need to fill them about 2/3 full, then add a bit of water to moisten the soil. Do so until the soil is damp. You would want to leave a hole in the middle of the soil where you will place the plant.

Step 3 – Remove the plants from the aeroponics setup

Depending on how long your plants have been in the aeroponics system, having them removed should be very easy or require a few tricks. With young seedlings, the process should be simple. You can easily take them out and take the grow sponge out of the growing basket.

However, if your plant has been growing for a while or is fully established in your aeroponics system, then you will need a few tricks to take out the plants without any damage.

To do this, you would want to carefully and slowly bring out the grow basket from the system. Simply, wiggle it from side to side and gently pull up. Ensure you do this slowly so as not to damage any of the roots. If any of the roots get damaged in the process, the plant will not be able to survive the transplant. 

In some cases, the plant would be stuck and you won’t be able to wiggle it out. In this case, to get it out, you will have to cut some of the entangled roots. This should only be a last resort.

When you pull the plant out, you will notice that the roots are very long. This is because of the lack of soil that would normally force them to spread out. In aeroponics, the roots grow vertically to get nutrients. 

Step 4 – Dealing with the grow baskets

The grow baskets attached with the plants can either be removed or left there. The decision would depend on if your plants are well established. In most cases, you will have to consider leaving them. However, removing them would be a better idea if your plants are well-established. 

Most growers would prefer to leave the grow basket intact as attempting to remove it could cause damage to the root system. This could affect the plant’s chances of survival and cause it to die. If you’re careful enough to remove the basket, it would be the best way to go. 

To remove the basket, get a pair of sharp scissors. You will have to make small cuts, where necessary to free the roots from the basked. You have to do this carefully so it doesn’t hurt the plant. This process should be done slowly. 

Step 5 – Put plants in pots

With the plants out of the aeroponics system, it is time to put them in the pots. Set the plants into the pot and try to spread the roots out. When done, you should add soil to the container and pack it down over the roots. As you know, the soil provides support to the plants. 

Step 6 – Ensure they get enough light

Plants need light just as they require nutrients and water. Once you’ve moved them successfully, you need to ensure that they get enough light for the first week. Put them in a well-lit area of the garden for about a week. When the week is up, you can move them to a sunny location.

Step 7 – Watering

With the plants taken out of the aeroponics system, you can no longer rely on the timer to water them. You will have to water the plants regularly for the first few days and make sure that the soil is evenly moist. 

To ensure that the soil doesn’t dry out, you can use methods like bottom watering. This helps the plants adapt to the new environment as they are not used to being in the water. When you transplant the aeroponics plants to the soil, you need to make it easier for them to adapt to the soil by keeping the conditions as close as possible to the aeroponics environment.

When the first few days are over, you can start watering the plants as normal. Do not allow the soil to get dry as this could cause the plants to wilt and lead to their death. 

Step 8 – Hardening off 

This step is important if you’re planning on transplanting your aeroponics plants and placing them outside. You need to harden off the seedling of the plant to ensure they’re able to adapt to the= change in environment. The steps to doing so would depend on the type of plant itself. The variety of the plant might also come into play. 

Step 9: Nutrients, Water

The aeroponics system allows you to save on nutrients and water by spraying them directly on the plant. In the new farming system, you would need more water and nutrients for the plants than in the previous allocation. You need to take into account the type of soil, the nutrient absorption of the soil and plants, and keep an eye out for water evaporation. These factors could determine if the plant is able to survive being in the soil or will die after a few days.